Columbia 300 Piranha PowerCOR Bowling Ball
The Columbia 300Piranha PowerCOR Bowling Ball is a high-performance bowling ballfeaturing a dynamic two-piece core housing the PowerCOR ball, the Piranha PowerCOR boasts a high differential for enhanced flare and hook potential.With a solid HK22 cover and a finely-sanded 2000 grit finish, this ball provides bowlers with a distinct advantage on medium to heavy oil conditions.
- Performance:
- Color:Blue/Navy
- Coverstock:HK22 ERT Solid
- Cover Type:Solid Reactive
- Core Type:Symmetrical
- Core: Piranha PowerCOR Core
- Factory Finish:500 - 2000Siaair Micro Pad
- Lane Condition:Medium - Heavy Oil
- Flare Potential:4 – 5 Inches
- Weights:16-12 lbs.
- RG:2.51(15 lbs)
- DIFF:0.055(15 lb.)Int Diff:N/A(15 lbs)
- Warranty:Two years from purchase date